Page Layouts

The web template has three page layouts: home page, sidebar (default), and full-width. All layouts have the same common sections: header, navigation, and footer. Differences between page layouts are in the content area (and the home page can have a rotating banner (slider) and featured buttons).

Home Page Layout

The home page layout has sections and elements as follows:

  1. State sliver header – same on all pages.
  2. Header section – main section to brand your agencies site. This will be the same on all pages.
  3. Navigation – same on all pages.
  4. Rotating banner (slider) – only shows on the home page.
  5. Featured buttons – shows on the home page. (OPTIONAL – Alternatively the layout can just have a rotating banner spanning the entire horizontal section)
  6. Main content area – most of the content.
  7. Featured sections – only shows on the home page.
  8. Footer section – same on all pages.
  9. Background image – same on all pages.

Sidebar Page Layout

Screenshot of web page template with main content and sidebar areas

The sidebar page layout has two sections in the content area:

  1. Main content – this area is an 8-column section that has the content for a page.
  2. Sidebar – the sidebar is controlled by widgets. Widgets are added by going to Appearance > Widgets. They can be anything from simple html content to a plugin that displays featured posts.

Full-width Page Layout

Screenshot of full-width page layout

As its name describes, the content area of this page layout spans the full width.

  1. Main content – this area is a 12-column section.