Documents, Images, Video



There are several websites that provide access to copyright-free, usable images that you can include in your website. Some also have stock video that you can use for your projects.

Here are a few of the most popular ones:

Please note that these sites may also include images that require a license or purchase, so be sure to select just those images that have free use rights.

Content images should be RGB or Index color format. Generally, size images at a resolution of 72 ppi (pixels per inch) with dimensions no wider than the maximum width of the space in which it will be displayed.

Save images as JPG file type; except when Index color or transparency is needed, in which case save as PNG or GIF file type.

For non-text content to be accessible, be sure to provide alternative (alt) text. For details, read WebAIM alt text guidelines.

Keep in mind, the template design is responsive. Content images will load at full size (regardless of how they appear on the smaller displays). Consider whether the user really needs an image wider than 300 pixels, or if a smaller image is appropriate.


  • DO NOT UPLOAD VIDEO files directly to WordPress. Use a video hosting service such as Vimeo or YouTube then add the embed code to your page or post.
  • To be accessible, multimedia must provide synchronized alternatives (e.g., captions and/or transcripts).
  • Read WCAG 2.0 guidelines for time based media.
To be accessible, multimedia must provide synchronized alternatives (e.g., captions).